Fix for YVM2104

A YouView on Sony FAQ

Service unavailable

It looks like we can't load that service at the moment. Don't worry we know some steps that might help:

The old “switch it on and off” routine. Overused but it can often help resolve the issue. Press and hold the ⌽ Power button on your remote for 8 seconds, then let go. You're TV will then begin to restart.

Depending on your setup, you may be using one of these methods of connection. Follow the instructions according to your setup: 

Direct Ethernet cable

Check the cable hasn’t been damaged and is firmly connected to the back of your YouView box and to the back of your router. 

Powerline Adapters

Check both adaptors are plugged in and powered on. Make sure the Ethernet cables are connected firmly to the adapters, your router and your YouView box and all 3 lights on both adapters are on.

We recommend connecting your powerline adapters directly to a wall socket instead of an extension lead for the best results. 


Depending on your Sony TV model, you may need an aerial in order to receive the full selection of apps available. If you are missing some apps, try plugging the aerial in, retune the TV and try again.

Check your internet connection by going to: 

  1. Press the Home button on your remote
  2. Settings can be found via the cog at the top of the Menu.
  3. Select Network & Internet

The simple old trick of restarting your router can help resolve this issue. Switch it off at the plug for 30 seconds and turn it back on. Give it a minute or two to warm up then check if you’re reconnected.

supportSiteInlineImage Please don't leave this page while your router is restarting as you won't have any internet access.

Using Powerline Adapters?

Make sure you switch both adapters off for 30 seconds and then turn them back on. Give them a minute to reset and all the lights will come back on.

All logos are provided by the content providers. If you see some channel logos missing, please contact your box provider.